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17 Ergebnisse.

Wisdom's Apprentice

Kwasniewski, Peter A.
Wisdom's Apprentice
Lawrence Dewan OP (1932-2015) graced the world of scholarship with the impressive lucidity, depth, and comprehensiveness of his research on the philosophy and theology of St Thomas Aquinas. A long-time professor at the Collège Universitaire Dominicain in Ottawa and a member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas, his hundreds of articles and reviews brought him international renown as a foremost authority on metaphysics, natural philosophy, a...

CHF 40.90

Ultramontanism and Tradition

Kwasniewski, Peter A.
Ultramontanism and Tradition
With contributions by Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke ¿ Bishop Athanasius Schneider ¿ Phillip Campbell ¿ Stuart Chessman ¿ Charles A. Coulombe ¿ Roberto de Mattei ¿ Edward Feser ¿ Timothy S. Flanders ¿ Rémi Fontaine ¿ A Friar of the Order of Preachers ¿ Matt Gaspers ¿ Jeremy Holmes ¿ John P. Joy ¿ Robert W. Keim ¿ John Lamont ¿ Sebastian Morello ¿ Martin Mosebach ¿ Clemens Victor Oldendorf ¿ Thomas Pink ¿ Enrico Roccagiachini ¿ Eric Sammons ¿ Josep...

CHF 65.00

Bound by Truth

Kwasniewski, Peter A.
Bound by Truth
At the sixtieth anniversary of Sacrosanctum Concilium, the situation on the ground for Catholics is more chaotic than ever. A liturgical reform, meant to usher in a new age of full churches and ecumenical rapprochement, delivered neither, instead, churches are emptying and closing at an unprecedented rate. Meanwhile, an ancient old rite, grown to maturity in the Middle Ages, encrusted with Baroque pearls, and officially pronounced dead in the ...

CHF 39.90

Bound by Truth

Kwasniewski, Peter A.
Bound by Truth
At the sixtieth anniversary of Sacrosanctum Concilium, the situation on the ground for Catholics is more chaotic than ever. A liturgical reform, meant to usher in a new age of full churches and ecumenical rapprochement, delivered neither, instead, churches are emptying and closing at an unprecedented rate. Meanwhile, an ancient old rite, grown to maturity in the Middle Ages, encrusted with Baroque pearls, and officially pronounced dead in the ...

CHF 54.90

El Rito Romano de Ayer y del Futuro

Kwasniewski, Peter A
El Rito Romano de Ayer y del Futuro
En su último libro, el Dr. Peter Kwasniewski sostiene que, desde que entraron en vigor los nuevos libros litúrgicos tras el Concilio Vaticano II, los fieles católicos romanos han sufrido los efectos de una reforma precipitada y de gran alcance, impregnada de nominalismo, voluntarismo, protestantismo, racionalismo, anticuarianismo, hiperpapalismo y otros errores modernos. El hombre no es dueño de la liturgia divina, subraya el Dr. Kwasniewski, ...

CHF 40.50

Illusions of Reform

Kwasniewski, Peter A / Smith, Janet E / Dipippo, Gregory
Illusions of Reform
Between September and November 2022, Church Life Journal published a series of articles on liturgical reform, coauthored by Drs. John Cavadini, Mary Healy, and Thomas Weinandy. With its rosy view of the Liturgical Movement, its caricature of the Catholic faithful prior to Vatican II, its forensically questionable affirmation of Sacrosanctum Concilium's paternity of the Novus Ordo (not to mention its solemn chrismation of both by the Holy Spiri...

CHF 33.50

A Verdadeira Obediência na Igreja

Kwasniewski, Peter A
A Verdadeira Obediência na Igreja
O Papa Bento XVI afirmou o crescimento contínuo e a validade perpétua da Missa Tradicional, sublinhando que "aquilo que para as gerações anteriores era sagrado, permanece sagrado e grande também para nós e não pode ser de improviso totalmente proibido ou mesmo prejudicial." Contudo, com a publicação do Traditionis Custodes, em 2021, o seu sucessor declarou precisamente o contrário, provocando ondas de choque na Igreja com o apelo à restrição...

CHF 25.50

La Verdadera Obediencia en la Iglesia

Kwasniewski, Peter A
La Verdadera Obediencia en la Iglesia
El Papa Benedicto XVI afirmó el sostenido crecimiento y la perpetua validez de la Misa Tradicional Latina, insistiendo en que "lo que para las generaciones anteriores era sagrado, también para nosotros permanece sagrado y grande y no puede ser de improviso totalmente prohibido o incluso perjudicial." Sin embargo, con la publicación en el 2021 de Traditionis Custodes, su sucesor ha declarado precisamente lo opuesto, enviando ondas de choque a...

CHF 25.50

Wahrer Gehorsam in der Kirche

Kwasniewski, Peter A
Wahrer Gehorsam in der Kirche
Papst Benedikt bestätigte das kontinuierliche Wachstum und die dauerhafte Gültigkeit der traditionellen lateinischen Messe, indem er darauf hinwies, dass "das, was früheren Generationen heilig war, auch uns heilig und groß bleibt, es kann nicht plötzlich rundum verboten oder gar schädlich sein". Mit der Veröffentlichung von Traditionis Custodes im Jahr 2021 erklärte sein Nachfolger jedoch das genaue Gegenteil. Er sandte Schockwellen durch di...

CHF 22.90

Sixty Years After

Kwasniewski, Peter A. / Kwasniewski, Peter A.
Sixty Years After
Essays and articles byFr Claude Barthe ¿ Christian Browne ¿ Madoc Cairns ¿ Philip Campbell ¿ Larry Chapp ¿ John Daniel Davidson ¿ Fr Raymond de Souza ¿ Gregory DiPippo ¿ Michael Brendan Dougherty ¿ Ross Douthat ¿ Timothy Flanders ¿ Matthew Hazell ¿ Peter Kwasniewski ¿ Jean-Pierre Maugendre ¿ John Pepino ¿ Fr John Perricone ¿ Eric Sammons ¿ Karl Gustel Wärnberg ¿ George Weigel The sixtieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Coun...

CHF 43.90

Sixty Years After

Kwasniewski, Peter A. / Kwasniewski, Peter A.
Sixty Years After
Essays and articles byFr Claude Barthe ¿ Christian Browne ¿ Madoc Cairns ¿ Philip Campbell ¿ Larry Chapp ¿ John Daniel Davidson ¿ Fr Raymond de Souza ¿ Gregory DiPippo ¿ Michael Brendan Dougherty ¿ Ross Douthat ¿ Timothy Flanders ¿ Matthew Hazell ¿ Peter Kwasniewski ¿ Jean-Pierre Maugendre ¿ John Pepino ¿ Fr John Perricone ¿ Eric Sammons ¿ Karl Gustel Wärnberg ¿ George Weigel The sixtieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Coun...

CHF 31.90

A Reader in Catholic Social Teaching

Kwasniewski, Peter A.
A Reader in Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching (CST), or the Social Doctrine of the Church, is frequently mentioned but seldom understood and applied aright. To become intimately acquainted with CST, there is no substitute for reading the writings of the popes, who, from Leo XIII onwards, are the authentic sources for the subject, and whose ideas have left a permanent mark on Catholic and secular thought alike. CST is neither platitudinous social commentary nor ass...

CHF 69.00

From Benedict's Peace to Francis's War

Kwasniewski, Peter A. / Kwasniewski, Peter A.
From Benedict's Peace to Francis's War
An anthology of 70 essays and articles by prelates and pastors, theologians and canonists, philosophers and cultural figures-including: Cardinal Walter Brandmüller . Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke . Cardinal Gerhard Müller . Cardinal Robert Sarah . Cardinal Joseph Zen . Archbishop Thomas Gullickson . Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò . Bishop Rob Mutsaerts . Bishop Athanasius Schneider . Msgr. Charles Pope . Dom Alcuin Reid . Abbé Claude Barthe . Fr. ...

CHF 40.90

From Benedict's Peace to Francis's War

Kwasniewski, Peter A. / Kwasniewski, Peter A.
From Benedict's Peace to Francis's War
An anthology of 70 essays and articles by prelates and pastors, theologians and canonists, philosophers and cultural figures-including: Cardinal Walter Brandmüller . Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke . Cardinal Gerhard Müller . Cardinal Robert Sarah . Cardinal Joseph Zen . Archbishop Thomas Gullickson . Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò . Bishop Rob Mutsaerts . Bishop Athanasius Schneider . Msgr. Charles Pope . Dom Alcuin Reid . Abbé Claude Barthe . Fr. ...

CHF 52.90

Tradition and Sanity

Kwasniewski, Peter A.
Tradition and Sanity
Tradition and Sanity brings together a round-table discussion, interviews, and imaginary dialogues exploring the depths and shallows of Catholic liturgy, the lyricism of sacred music, the state of the Church as it suffers attack from without and dementia from within, and the revival of traditional beliefs and practices in younger generations.

CHF 43.90

Tradition and Sanity

Kwasniewski, Peter A.
Tradition and Sanity
Tradition and Sanity brings together a round-table discussion, interviews, and imaginary dialogues exploring the depths and shallows of Catholic liturgy, the lyricism of sacred music, the state of the Church as it suffers attack from without and dementia from within, and the revival of traditional beliefs and practices in younger generations.

CHF 31.50

Wisdom's Apprentice: Thomistic Essays in Honor of Lawrenc...

Kwasniewski, Peter A. / Dewan, Lawrence
Wisdom's Apprentice: Thomistic Essays in Honor of Lawrence Dewan, O.P
Lawrence Dewan, O.P., has long graced the world of Thomistic scholarship with the impressive lucidity, depth, and comprehensiveness of his research on many facets of the Angelic Doctor's legacy. A professor at the Collège Universitaire Dominicain in Ottawa and a member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas, his more than one hundred articles have brought him international renown as a foremost authority on metaphysics, natural philosophy, and...

CHF 84.00